About TDMR Europe
The European trade body for manufacturers and distributors of formula diet products, including total diet replacement products (TDRs) and meal replacement products (MRPs) which provide weight loss and weight management programmes for the overweight and obese. Our members currently operate in Austria, Belgium, the Netherlands, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Gibraltar, Greece, the Republic of Ireland, Norway, Poland, the Slovak Republic, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom.

Structure and organisation
Chair: Professor Anthony Leeds, Chairman of TDMR Europe.
Anthony Leeds holds honorary appointments at the University of Glasgow, Scotland and at the School of Health Sciences, International Medical University, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. He is a UK registered medical practitioner who has specialised in bariatric medicine and is a chartered biologist registered at the Royal Society of Biology. His current research interests concern the use of low energy diets in weight management in clinical practice, in achieving diabetes remission, pain reduction in osteoarthritis, improvement in obstructive sleep apnoea and improved and maintained cardiovascular risk factors. He has worked on projects in Denmark since 1983 and, since 2013, has worked with colleagues at the Parker Institute, Frederiksberg hospital, Copenhagen, where he is an honorary senior research fellow (http://parkerinst.dk/staff/anthony-leeds). He was Senior Lecturer at King’s College London until September 2007 and was Medical Director of the Cambridge Weight Plan until March 2019.

Science Sub-Committee
Dr. Kelly Johnston
Dr Kelly Johnston is a Visiting Senior Lecturer in the Department of Nutrition and Dietetics at Kings College London and is also the Head of Nutrition and Research at LighterLife UK Ltd. With a background in Biochemistry (BSc) and Nutritional Physiology (PhD), her research over the years has focused on a range of areas including nutrient absorption and incretin secretion, intestinal transport protein expression, as well as more clinically invasive work looking at the impact of diet on a range of cardiometabolic outcomes measures in overweight and obese individuals. She is an experienced scientist who has worked in a range of different sectors including academic, independent consulting and commercial roles. Currently she has responsibilities for many areas including strategic stakeholder engagement with both national and EU competent authorities, overseeing the implementation of and adherence to complex EU legislation from an operational perspective. Additionally, she oversees commercial research efforts in nutrition- and obesity-related areas which involves working with a range of academic, corporate and NHS partners. Finally, she has supervisory responsibilities for several project students at both Kings College London and the University of Surrey and actively publishes her work in the peer-reviewed literature.

Mark Gilbert B.A.Sc (Nutrition), RNutr, CISSNt
Mark has been involved in nutrition and healthcare for over 25 years, is a registered nutritionist and has held multiple certifications in sports nutrition, exercise science and pharmaceuticals. He is currently Nutritionist for The 1:1 Diet by Cambridge Weight Plan and Science Officer for TDMR Europe. Formerly, Mark was Vice Chair of the European Specialist Sports Nutrition Alliance, Director of Consumers for Health Choice, author, international speaker, on the Advisory Board and columnist for Muscle & Fitness, Flex and Muscle Insider magazines and co-founder of FitnessGenes, Ltd. As a consultant, Mark has advised dozens of multi-national companies on product formulation/IP, regulatory affairs, corporate investment and marketing, including most of the world’s top sports nutrition companies, Tesco, Lion Capital and the Canadian Armed Forces. Mark has also worked with doctors, dietitians and specialist nurses in the NHS, advising and providing training on the use of enteral and parenteral nutrition and pharmaceuticals and worked with the police and the courts as an expert witness.
The Secretariat
TDMR Europe’s Secretariat is run by The Whitehouse Communications. It provides policy, regulatory and media relations advice to the organisation on all issues affecting the slimming foods sector. The Secretariat is also responsible for delivering TDMR Europe’s day-to-day activity. It maintains close contacts with key policy makers, regulatory authorities and the media.
The Permanent Secretariat comprises of (Left to Right): Andrea Solana, Zoe Choulika, Aris Myriskos