List of references to studies on TDRs and MRPs

A TDR diet can help people to achieve rates of weight loss of around 1.3 to 1.5kg per week, so that as much as 10kg to 12kg can be lost in 8 weeks or so. Achieving 10-12kg by any means, whether diet, medications or bariatric surgery, can put diabetes into remission, reduce blood pressure and reduce risk of cardiovascular disease, reduce pain and improve mobility in osteoarthritis, and improve sleep especially in people with obstructive sleep apnoea.

Using TDR can deliver greater weight losses than can usually be achieved using conventional diet, and with clear published safety profile and economics analyses of costs and benefits.

These publications describe studies in which the weight loss was achieved with TDR.

Very Low-Calorie Diet (VLCDs) and Low-Calorie Diet (LCDs) for individuals with obesity

Weight loss with Very Low-Calorie Diet (VLCDs) and Low-Calorie Diet (LCDs) in individuals with obesity and heart disease

Weight loss with TDR to improve sleep apnoea

Weight loss with TDR in individuals with obesity and knee osteoarthritis

Weight loss with TDR in people with obesity and psoriasis

Weight loss with TDR in Postmenopausal Women with Obesity

Weight loss with formula diet products in people with obesity and type 2 diabetes