List of references to studies on TDRs and MRPs
A TDR diet can help people to achieve rates of weight loss of around 1.3 to 1.5kg per week, so that as much as 10kg to 12kg can be lost in 8 weeks or so. Achieving 10-12kg by any means, whether diet, medications or bariatric surgery, can put diabetes into remission, reduce blood pressure and reduce risk of cardiovascular disease, reduce pain and improve mobility in osteoarthritis, and improve sleep especially in people with obstructive sleep apnoea.
Using TDR can deliver greater weight losses than can usually be achieved using conventional diet, and with clear published safety profile and economics analyses of costs and benefits.
These publications describe studies in which the weight loss was achieved with TDR.
Very Low-Calorie Diet (VLCDs) and Low-Calorie Diet (LCDs) for individuals with obesity
- Christensen P, Bliddal H, Riecke BF, et al (2011) Comparison of a low energy diet and a very low energy diet in sedentary obese individuals: a pragmatic randomised controlled trial. Clinical Obesity 1: 31-40.
- Lean M, Brosnahan N, McLoone P, McCombie L, Higgs AB, Ross H, Mackenzie M, Grieve E, Finer N, Reckless J, Haslam D, Sloan B, Morrison D (2013) Feasibility and indicative results from a 12-month low-energy liquid diet treatment and maintenance programme for severe obesity British Journal of General Practice Feb;63(607):e115-24.
- Lily Lewis, Matthew Taylor, Iain Broom, Kelly Johnston (2014) The cost-effectiveness of LighterLife as an intervention for obesity in the England Clinical Obesity 4(3): 180-88
- Camila L P Oliveira, Normand G Boulé, Arya M Sharma, Sarah A Elliott, Mario Siervo, Sunita Ghosh, Aloys Berg, and Carla M Prado. A high-protein total diet replacement increases energy expenditure and leads to negative fat balance in healthy, normal-weight adults. Am J Clin Nutr. 2021 Feb; 113(2): 476–487.
- Camila L. P. Oliveira, Normand G. Boulé, Sarah A. Elliott, Arya M. Sharma, Mario Siervo, Aloys Berg, Sunita Ghosh & Carla M. Prado. A high-protein total diet replacement alters the regulation of food intake and energy homeostasis in healthy, normal-weight adults. European Journal of Nutrition volume 61, pages1849–1861 (2022).
- Oliveira, C.L.P., Boulé, N.G., Sharma, A.M. et al. Examining the effects of a high-protein total diet replacement on energy metabolism, metabolic blood markers, and appetite sensations in healthy adults: protocol for two complementary, randomized, controlled, crossover trials. Trials 20, 787 (2019).
- Astbury, N.M., Edwards, R.M., Ghebretinsea, F. et al. Extended follow-up of a short total diet replacement programme: results of the Doctor Referral of Overweight People to Low Energy total diet replacement Treatment (DROPLET) randomised controlled trial at 3 years. Int J Obes 45, 2432–2438 (2021).
- Astbury NM, Albury C, Nourse R, Jebb SA (2020) Participant experiences of a low-energy total diet replacement programme: A descriptive qualitative study. PLOS ONE 15(9): e0238645.
- Jihyun Min, Seo-Young Kim, In-Soo Shin, Young-Bae Park, Young-Woo Lim, The Effect of Meal Replacement on Weight Loss According to Calorie-Restriction Type and Proportion of Energy Intake: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials, Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, Volume 121, Issue 8, 2021, Pages 1551-1564.e3, ISSN 2212-2672.
- Kent, S., Aveyard, P., Astbury, N., Mihaylova, B. and Jebb, S.A. (2019), Is Doctor Referral to a Low-Energy Total Diet Replacement Program Cost-Effective for the Routine Treatment of Obesity?. Obesity, 27: 391-398.
- Azizi Soeliman F, Azadbakht L. Weight loss maintenance: A review on dietary related strategies. J Res Med Sci 2014;19:268-75.
- Faidon Magkos, Mads F. Hjorth, Sarah Asping, Maria I. Rosenkrans, Sidse I. Rasmussen,Christian Ritz, Anders Sjodin, Nina R.W. Geiker. A protein-supplemented very-low-calorie diet does not mitigate reductions in lean mass and resting metabolic rate in subjects with overweight or obesity: A randomized controlled trial. Clinical Nutrition, Volume 40, Issue 12, P5726-5733, December 01, 2021
- Nerys M Astbury, Paul Aveyard, Alecia Nickless, Kathryn Hood, Kate Corfield, Rebecca Lowe, Susan A Jebb. Doctor Referral of Overweight People to Low Energy total diet replacement Treatment (DROPLET): pragmatic randomised controlled trial BMJ, Vol. 362.
- Feinmann, Jane. “Low Calorie and Low Carb Diets for Weight Loss in Primary Care.” BMJ: British Medical Journal, vol. 360, 2018.
- Pedersen LR, Olsen RH, Anholm C, Astrup A, Eugen-Olsen J, Fenger M, Simonsen L, Walzem RL, Haugaard SB, Prescott E. Effects of 1 year of exercise training versus combined exercise training and weight loss on body composition, low-grade inflammation and lipids in overweight patients with coronary artery disease: a randomized trial. Cardiovasc Diabetol. 2019 Oct 1;18(1):127. doi: 10.1186/s12933-019-0934-x. PMID: 31575375; PMCID: PMC6774219.
- Geyer PE, Wewer Albrechtsen NJ, Tyanova S, Grassl N, Iepsen EW, Lundgren J, Madsbad S, Holst JJ, Torekov SS, Mann M. Proteomics reveals the effects of sustained weight loss on the human plasma proteome. Mol Syst Biol. 2016 Dec 22;12(12):901. doi: 10.15252/msb.20167357. PMID: 28007936; PMCID: PMC5199119.
Weight loss with Very Low-Calorie Diet (VLCDs) and Low-Calorie Diet (LCDs) in individuals with obesity and heart disease
- Christensen P, Frederiksen R, Bliddal H, Riecke BF, Bartels EM, Henriksen M, Juul-S Rensen T, Gudbergsen H, Winther K, Astrup A, Christensen R. Comparison of three weight maintenance programs on cardiovascular risk, bone and vitamins in sedentary older adults. Obesity (Silver Spring). 2013 Oct;21(10):1982-90
- Jensen P, Zachariae C, Christensen R, Geiker NR, Schaadt BK, Stender S, Astrup A, Hansen PR, Skov L. Effect of weight loss on the cardiovascular risk profile of obese patients with psoriasis. Acta Derm Venereol. 2014 Nov;94(6):691-4.
- Seema Gulati, Anoop Misra, Rajneesh Tiwari, Meenu Sharma, Ravindra M. Pandey and Chander Prakash Yadav. Effect of high-protein meal replacement on weight and cardiometabolic profile in overweight/obese Asian Indians in North India. British Journal of Nutrition, Volume 117, Issue 11.
Weight loss with TDR to improve sleep apnoea
- Johansson K, Hemmingsson E, Harlid R, et al. (2011) Longer term effects of very low energy diet on obstructive sleep apnoea in cohort derived from randomised controlled trial: prospective observational follow-up study. British Medical Journal ;342:d3017
- Johansson K, Neovius M, Lagerros Y T, Harlid R, RÃssner S, Granath F et al. Effect of a very low energy diet on moderate and severe obstructive sleep apnoea in obese men: a randomised controlled trial BMJ 2009; 339 :b4609 doi:10.1136/bmj.b4609.
- Suratt PM, McTier RF, Findley LJ, Pohl SL, Wilhoit SC. Effect of very-low-calorie diets with weight loss on obstructive sleep apnea. Am J Clin Nutr. 1992 Jul;56(1 Suppl):182S-184S. doi: 10.1093/ajcn/56.1.182S. PMID: 1615880.
- Tuomilehto HP, Seppä JM, Partinen MM, Peltonen M, Gylling H, Tuomilehto JO, Vanninen EJ, Kokkarinen J, Sahlman JK, Martikainen T, Soini EJ, Randell J, Tukiainen H, Uusitupa M; Kuopio Sleep Apnea Group. Lifestyle intervention with weight reduction: first-line treatment in mild obstructive sleep apnea. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2009 Feb 15;179(4):320-7. doi: 10.1164/rccm.200805-669OC. Epub 2008 Nov 14. PMID: 19011153.
- Tuomilehto H, Gylling H, Peltonen M, Martikainen T, Sahlman J, Kokkarinen J, Randell J, Tukiainen H, Vanninen E, Partinen M, Tuomilehto J, Uusitupa M, Seppä J; Kuopio Sleep Apnea Group. Sustained improvement in mild obstructive sleep apnoea after a diet- and physical activity-based lifestyle intervention: postinterventional follow-up. Am J Clin Nutr. 2010 Oct;92(4):688-96. doi: 10.3945/ajcn.2010.29485. Epub 2010 Aug 11. PMID: 20702607.
Weight loss with TDR in individuals with obesity and knee osteoarthritis
- Bliddal H, Christensen P, Bartels E, et alAB0778 Long-Term Intervention with Weight Loss in Patients with Concomitant Obesity and Knee Osteoarthritis: A Randomised Trial (The Light Study)Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 2014;73:1061-1062.
- Riecke BF, Christensen R, Christensen P, Leeds AR, Boesen M, Lohmander LS, Astrup A, Bliddal H. Comparing two low-energy diets for the treatment of knee osteoarthritis symptoms in obese patients: a pragmatic randomized clinical trial. Osteoarthritis Cartilage. 2010 Jun;18(6):746-54. doi: 10.1016/j.joca.2010.02.012. Epub 2010 Feb 17. PMID: 20206314.
- Christensen P, Henriksen M, Bartels EM, Leeds AR, Meinert Larsen T, Gudbergsen H, Riecke BF, Astrup A, Heitmann BL, Boesen M, Christensen R, Bliddal H. Long-term weight-loss maintenance in obese patients with knee osteoarthritis: a randomized trial. Am J Clin Nutr. 2017 Sep;106(3):755-763. doi: 10.3945/ajcn.117.158543. Epub 2017 Jul 26. PMID: 28747328.
- Christensen P, Bartels EM, Riecke BF, Bliddal H, Leeds AR, Astrup A, Winther K, Christensen R. Improved nutritional status and bone health after diet-induced weight loss in sedentary osteoarthritis patients: a prospective cohort study. Eur J Clin Nutr. 2012 Apr;66(4):504-9. doi: 10.1038/ejcn.2011.201. Epub 2011 Dec 21. PMID: 22190136; PMCID: PMC3321436.
Weight loss with TDR in people with obesity and psoriasis
- Jensen P, Zachariae C, Christensen R et al. (2013) Effect of Weight Loss on the Severity of Psoriasis: a Randomized Clinical Study. Journal of the American Medical Association Dermatol
- Geiker N R W, Jensen P, Zachariae C et al.(2014) Effect of weight loss on the severity of psoriasis: one year follow-up. T5: S41.04 Obesity Review
Weight loss with TDR in Postmenopausal Women with Obesity
- Andrea L Pattinson, Radhika V Seimon, Claudia Harper, Natasha Nassar, Amanda Grech, Eunike A Santoso, Janet Franklin, Elif Inan-Eroglu, Alice A Gibson, Amanda Sainsbury, Diet Quality following Total Meal Replacement Compared with Food-Based Weight-Loss Diets in Postmenopausal Women with Obesity: A Secondary Analysis of the TEMPO Diet Trial, The Journal of Nutrition, Volume 151, Issue 11, November 2021, Pages 3299–3312.
- Seimon RV, Wild-Taylor AL, Keating SE, et al. Effect of Weight Loss via Severe vs Moderate Energy Restriction on Lean Mass and Body Composition Among Postmenopausal Women With Obesity: The TEMPO Diet Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Netw Open. 2019;2(10):e1913733. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2019.13733
Weight loss with formula diet products in people with obesity and type 2 diabetes
- Jarvis C. Noronha, George Thom, and Michael E. J. Lean. Total Diet Replacement Within an Integrated Intensive Lifestyle Intervention for Remission of Type 2 Diabetes: Lessons From DiRECT. Front Endocrinol (Lausanne). 2022; 13: 888557.
- Jarvis C. Noronha, George Thom, and Michael E. J. Lean. Total Diet Replacement Within an Integrated Intensive Lifestyle Intervention for Remission of Type 2 Diabetes: Lessons From DiRECT. Front Endocrinol (Lausanne). 2022; 13: 888557.
- Farhat G, Majeed S, Rutter MK et al. Comparing the acceptability of total diet replacement and food-based low energy diets for type 2 diabetes remission amongst South Asians: a public and patient involvement activity [version 4; peer review: 2 approved, 2 not approved]. NIHR Open Res 2022, 1:24.
- Naveed Sattar, Paul Welsh, Wilma S. Leslie, George Thom, Louise McCombie, Naomi Brosnahan, Janice Richardson, Jason M. R. Gill, Luisa Crawford, and Michael E. J. Lean. Dietary weight-management for type 2 diabetes remissions in South Asians: The South Asian diabetes remission randomised trial for proof-of-concept and feasibility (STANDby). The Lancet Regional Health. VOLUME 9, 100111, FEBRUARY 01, 2023.
- Jarvis C. Noronha, Stephanie K. Nishi, Catherine R. Braunstein, Tauseef A. Khan, Sonia Blanco Mejia, Cyril W.C. Kendall, Hana Kahleová, Dario Rahelić, Jordi Salas-Salvadó, Lawrence A. Leiter, John L. Sievenpiper; The Effect of Liquid Meal Replacements on Cardiometabolic Risk Factors in Overweight/Obese Individuals With Type 2 Diabetes: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. Diabetes Care 1 May 2019; 42 (5): 767–776.
- Hamish van Wyk and Michelle Daniels. The Use of Very Low Calorie Diets in the Management of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. South African Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Volume 29, 2016 – Issue 2.
- Lean ME, Leslie WS, Barnes AC, Brosnahan N, Thom G, McCombie L, Peters C, Zhyzhneuskaya S, Al-Mrabeh A, Hollingsworth KG, Rodrigues AM, Rehackova L, Adamson AJ, Sniehotta FF, Mathers JC, Ross HM, McIlvenna Y, Stefanetti R, Trenell M, Welsh P, Kean S, Ford I, McConnachie A, Sattar N, Taylor R. Primary care-led weight management for remission of type 2 diabetes (DiRECT): an open-label, cluster-randomised trial. Lancet. 2018 Feb 10;391(10120):541-551.
- Lean ME, Leslie WS, Barnes AC, et al. Durability of a primary care-led weight-management intervention for remission of type 2 diabetes: 2-year results of the DiRECT open-label, cluster-randomised trial. Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol 2019 May;7(5):344-355. doi: 10.1016/S2213-8587(19)30068-3
- Lean MEJ. Low-calorie diets in the management of type 2 diabetes mellitus. Nat Rev Endocrinol. 2019 May;15(5):251-252. doi: 10.1038/s41574-019-0186-6. PMID: 30833703.
- Thom G, Messow CM, Leslie WS, Barnes AC, Brosnahan N, McCombie L, Al-Mrabeh A, Zhyzhneuskaya S, Welsh P, Sattar N, Taylor R, Lean MEJ. Predictors of type 2 diabetes remission in the Diabetes Remission Clinical Trial (DiRECT). Diabet Med. 2021 Aug;38(8):e14395. doi: 10.1111/dme.14395. Epub 2020 Sep 27. PMID: 32870520.
- Churuangsuk C, Hall J, Reynolds A, Griffin SJ, Combet E, Lean MEJ. Diets for weight management in adults with type 2 diabetes: an umbrella review of published meta-analyses and systematic review of trials of diets for diabetes remission. Diabetologia. 2022 Jan;65(1):14-36. doi: 10.1007/s00125-021-05577-2. Epub 2021 Nov 17. PMID: 34796367; PMCID: PMC8660762.