TDMR Europe supports World Diabetes Day

Posted On: 13th November 2020

TDMR Europe is proud to support World Diabetes Day 2020, held on Saturday, November 14.

World Diabetes Day is the world’s largest diabetes awareness campaign reaching a global audience of over 1 billion people in more than 160 countries. The campaign draws attention to issues of paramount importance to the diabetes world and keeps diabetes firmly in the public and political spotlight.

Weight management including weight reduction is a key component of diabetes prevention programmes and most prevention trials have shown that greater weight losses lead to more effective prevention. Greater weight losses can be achieved using LED (low energy diets) sometimes using formula diet products as a total diet replacement (TDR).   Increasing physical activity and improving diet quality are also important changes to make to prevent diabetes.  A large study designed to test the effect of TDR followed by 3 years of diet maintenance with increased physical activity has taken place in six European countries as well as in Australia and New Zealand (PREVIEW).

TDMR Europe works alongside other organisations at World Diabetes Day in the fight against diabetes. Not only do TDRs provide fast and efficient weight-loss, they are clinically proven to reduce the health risks associated with being obese or overweight, including diabetes. The programmes are specifically formulated and replace the whole of the individual’s daily diet with nutritionally balanced soups, shakes and bars consisting of all essential vitamins, minerals, high quality protein, essential fats, and fibre. TDRs are strictly regulated and have been sold safely in the UK and the EU for over 30 years.