Total Diet Replacement weight loss myths to be debunked

Posted On: 29th March 2021
An online event will be held on April 14th at 15:00 CET (14:00 GMT) to address the myths and misinformation that surround the use of Total Diet Replacements (TDR). Organized by TDMR Europe, the webinar entitled: Proven Facts versus Popular Myths about weight loss with Total Diet Replacement (TDR), will enable stakeholders in both the public policy and healthcare sectors to gain a better understanding of TDR. Speakers will be Professor Anthony Leeds (TDMR Europe Chair), Dr George Thom (University of Glasgow), Dr Kelly Johnston (King’s College London) and Mark Gilbert (TDMR Europe Science Committee). This webinar aims to debunk popular myths about TDR weight loss as well as present the potential benefits of using TDR for weight loss, including cost-effectiveness.
Please follow this link to register.
The increasing prevalence of obesity, overweight and type 2 diabetes in Europe, which also increase the risk of adverse outcomes in COVID-19 infection, could soon overwhelm the capacity for healthcare provision. This webinar will present evidence that TDR programmes offer an effective solution to the increasing challenge of managing obesity and overweight in Europe.
Professor Anthony Leeds, Chairman of TDMR Europe, said: “We aim to give stakeholders in the public policy and healthcare sectors a better understanding of Total Diet Replacement as a cost-effective way to help improve the health of Europeans. Today Europe struggles with increasing obesity rates and overweight levels as well as with related health issues, including type-2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and osteoarthritis, which cause ill-health and pose a serious challenge to European economies and productivity. There is an urgent need to raise awareness of the significant contribution that TDR can bring to European efforts to address the public health problem of obesity and overweight. This seminar will break-down the barriers to successful use of TDR by presenting scientific evidence that busts the myths.”
The webinar will specifically address myths that slow the acceptance of TDR as an effective solution in the European strategy to tackle obesity and overweight. The presentations will show that:
- Rapid weight loss does not lead to excessive lean body mass loss and, with careful maintenance, does not lead to rapid weight regain;
- After rapid weight loss it is not as difficult to maintain a new lower body weight as is commonly believed;
- Weight loss with TDR can be sustained;
- People who start a TDR can use it for long enough to lose meaningful amounts of weight;
- TDR diets are not dangerous, rarely cause gout and gallstones and very rarely cause other potentially serious problems.
The event is addressed to policy makers, journalists and professionals in the public health sector in Europe. Please follow this link to register and join the debate on the relevance and role of TDR in bringing down the incidence of obesity and overweight.
Proven Facts versus Popular Myth about weight loss with Total Diet Replacement (TDR)
14th April, 15:00 -16:30 CET
Total Diet Replacements – update on latest clinical trial evidence (15 minutes)
Professor Anthony Leeds, Chairman of TDMR Europe, Frederiksberg Hospital, University of Copenhagen
Physiological and behavioural factors involved in weight loss maintenance (20 minutes)
Dr George Thom, University of Glasgow
Is there any scientific basis for Myths about TDR? (30 minutes)
Dr Kelly Johnston, King’s College London and Mark Gilbert, TDMR Europe Science Committee
Q & A and concluding summary (20 minutes)
For more information about TDMR Europe or a comment from Professor Anthony Leeds, please contact Aristeidis Myriskos via email: or call +44(0) 20 3855 5760 / +44 (0)7719883318
Notes to editors:
About TDMR Europe
Total Diet and Meal Replacements Europe (TDMR Europe) is the European trade body for manufacturers and distributors of formula diet products, including total diet replacements (TDRs) and meal replacement products (MRPs) which provide weight loss and weight management programmes.
TDMR Europe works to secure appropriate and proportionate European legislation for TDRs and MRPs and is in close continuous dialogue with a wide variety of stakeholders such as policymakers and senior officials in the relevant bodies. It also aims to increase awareness and understanding of specialist weight management foods such as TDRs and MRPs and coordinate detailed technical and regulatory expertise of members to develop common industry positions that help to support European public policy and regulatory decisions.
Please find more information in the TDMR Europe 2021 Media Pack
Twitter: @TDMREurope
LinkedIn: TDMR Europe